Intro to Microblading

Microblading is a two step process. We get a lot of questions about the process and understanding that it can be an intimidating appointment to commit to. We documented this young lady's two appointments from beginning to end to give a better idea of what you can expect, and to also show exactly why microblading is a two step process. 


First things first, MUGSHOTS! These pictures are taken for us to utilize during your consultation and to track your progress from appointment to the next. We can look at your eyebrows together, and determine what we like about your existing eyebrows, and what we would change about them. We incorporate as much of your natural eyebrow as possible to reach a more natural result. 


Consultation time. Your first appointment is scheduled for two and a half hours. A large portion of your appointment will be the consultation. This part of the process you have to use your imagination a bit. We make an outline of a desired eyebrow shape based off of what we discuss in your consultation as well as some measurements. You'll need to picture that the negative space is filled in with hair strokes, and not solid filled in. This outline can look intimidating! Any stray hairs that are outside the desired shape are removed with a small eyebrow razor. It is also ok to have your eyebrows waxed or threaded four days before your microblade appointment.


Microblading is done with a small sterile blade. Each blade is disposed of appropriately after every procedure. Any supplies that touch your skin during the procedure are disposable, and all necessary precautions are taken against cross contamination.


After sitting with a topical numbing agent for twenty minutes it is time to actually microblade. The blade is dipped into pigment and hair strokes are manually placed into the skin. Here it is after one pass. Hairstrokes are placed next to each other but not overlapping. There is very minimal bleeding, as microblading does not go as deep as a real tattoo. We would then apply a mask of this pigment and let it sit for a few minutes. After wiping down the eyebrow a second liquid numb is applied to ease any discomfort while more hair strokes are added to finish the eyebrows.


Finished eyebrows after first appointment! What an improvement! This is a good amount of hair strokes for one visit so we can assess how she heals at the touch up. Compare micro blading to painting a wall. You have to let one coat of paint dry before you can add a second coat. We need to let your one layer of hair strokes heal, before you can add more.


Healed after six weeks! She retained her shape and most hair strokes. During this appointment existing hair strokes are crisped up, and more are added to achieve a little more density to the eyebrows. This appointment is scheduled for just an hour and a half with twenty minutes built in again to numb.


Finished! She will get a hold of us when her brows have faded, but not completely lost their shape. As long as she comes in for touch ups she will never have to do the whole two step process again. Touch ups can be anywhere from 6-18 months.